Thursday, November 12, 2015

LAD #13: John Calhoun's Speech

Calhoun, in his speech, states the many reasons that the US's unity is threatened by sectionalism. Some of the causes include slavery, which the Southerners were very discontent with getting rid of, because it was their work force. As well as the growing political parties of the Democrats and Whigs, which caused people to ally with either side, and to hate those who opposed their party. The Northerners now have a greater say in government because of the addition of Northern states, and as a result, can do as pleases themselves, completely ignoring the Southern part of the Country's wants.  Then, there's the fact that the South brings in most of the revenue, but the North, because of their greater and still growing power, gets the bulk of the South's money. Calhoun then goes on to re-elaborate on the fact that slavery is a sore spot for the South, and that there is an underlying threat of secession from the Union. Calhoun wants the country to do its best to stay united, by appeasing the South in any way they can.

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