Wednesday, November 11, 2015

LAD #11 - Seneca Falls Declaration

This Declaration was created in 1848,  with the Declaration of Independence in mind. That is to say that, the Seneca Falls Declaration states, "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal..." the same way as the Declaration in 1776. Starting off, the women list their many grievances with the government, and the fact that women are considered inferior to men, thereby giving them less rights. They include, no voice in government, no right to divorce, and if divorced, women don't get guardianship of their children, no right to property, or the money they make, and no right to a college education. Like the Declaration in 1776, the women then states resolutions to this problem. These include, women being equal to men, more rights within the Church, and being taken seriously in public/being able to contribute her own ideas in public meeting without being ignored.

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