Wednesday, November 18, 2015

LAD #18: Dred Scott Desicion

First, Justice Nelson was tasked with the writing of the majority, based on their decision, but Nelson, neglected to write the will of the majority, and rather wrote the will of the minority, himself. Seeing that Nelson did not take into account the other opinions, the Court then tasked Chief Justice Roger B. Taney. Taney actually took in the opinions of the majority, as well as taking into account Negro citizenship and the constitutionality of the Missouri Compromise. President Buchanan before his inaugural address contacted the Supreme Court to ask for the decision, and upon hearing the decision, made sure to throw all his support behind it. The decision was that negroes, even free ones were not citizens, and as a result, did not have the liberty of suing in a federal court. The Missouri Compromise was deemed unconstitutional because it deprived people of their right to property aka slaves. Scott was ruled a slave since he originally came from a slave state, and the case was thrown out of court on the basis that it lacked jurisdiction.  

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