Saturday, January 9, 2016

LAD #23: Populist Party Platform

The Populist Party formed from the alliances between farmers in the 1870's and 80's. The party emerged in the 1890's and seemed like a possible third party independent of the Democrats and the Republicans. In their platform in 1892, the party gave their views on politics. In their Preamble, they state that the United States is on the verge of complete ruin. The ballot box is corrupt, silver is no longer an accepted form of currency, big businesses are unregulated. They plan on restoring the government to the "plain people".  The United States, they claim, will never move forward until every wrong is righted and equal rights are given to all men and women. The plan for going about this is to make unions legal, the workers get the wealth that they make, the government will take control of railroads, silver and gold will be a usable form of currency, implementation of a graduated income tax, etc. The ballot will be fair and uncorrupted, pensions will be given to ex-Union sailors and soldiers, hours of labor will be shortened, the President and Vice-President will be limited to one term, and no national aid will be given to private corporations.

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