Saturday, January 9, 2016

LAD #22: McKinley's War Message

President McKinley, writes to the Congress of the United States on April 11th, 1898, saying that the war in Cuba should come to an end. The reasons given are that it caused irritation and annoyance to citizens, it is a barbarous and uncivilized practice of warfare, it harms commerce and trade, and a final military victory for either side seems impracticable. He then says that there have been attempts to end war, but neither the Spanish nor the Cubans want to lose. Lastly, he recalls the destruction done to the battleship, the Maine, where 260 men, who were on a mission of peace, were lost in the harbor of Havana cause by a submarine mine explosion. He continue saying that this shows that the Spanish cannot assure the safety of a vessel fighting for peace. He ends his message saying that Spain is planning on suspending hostilities, and that it is America's duty to act and stop the war in Cuba.

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