Wednesday, April 6, 2016

LAD #37: Brown vs. Board of Education

Linda Brown had to walk one mile to school and even cross a railroad to get to her black elementary school even though there was a white school seven blocks away from her house. She was refused enrollment into the white school, so with the help of the NAACP's McKinley Burnett and other parents, they challenged the public schools. The argument was that because African American children were segregated at such an early age, the children felt inferior from such an early age that they could not feel "equal". The defense had the Plessy v. Ferguson case of separate but equal that had yet to be overturned. The Court eventually ruled in favor of the Brawns, to desegregate schools, as many other cases were being brought up about the same time. Brown vs. Board, though, did not abolish slavery in other public areas, and did not require the desegregation by a specific time.

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