Friday, September 11, 2015

LAD #3: Declaration of Independence

1. Democratic Principles:
  • The right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness
  • It is the right of the people to overthrow a government that does not protect their rights, and put in place a new one
2. List a handful of grievances:
  • Passing and enforcing the Quartering Act of soldiers
  • Prohibiting soldiers from being put on trail for the murder of colonists while staying in America
  • Paying the judges himself instead of letting the colonists (taking the power that the colonists had over the judges by being able to withhold pay)
  • Standing armies during peace
  • Imposing taxes with the consent of the people
  • Taking away charters
  • Bringing in Hessian soldiers
  • Burning down towns
  • Taking away trial by jury
3. Conclusion:
The Declaration of Independence ends with how the colonists tried to reconcile with the King repeatedly, but the king refused (Olive Branch Petition). They have also warned the people against putting unwanted jurisdiction on the colonists.Finally, the colonists end with saying that they are free and independent states and have no allegiance to the British Crown; clearly stating that they now have the power to levy war, make peace agreements, govern their own economy, an do anything else that they want as free states.

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