Wednesday, April 6, 2016

LAD #37: Brown vs. Board of Education

Linda Brown had to walk one mile to school and even cross a railroad to get to her black elementary school even though there was a white school seven blocks away from her house. She was refused enrollment into the white school, so with the help of the NAACP's McKinley Burnett and other parents, they challenged the public schools. The argument was that because African American children were segregated at such an early age, the children felt inferior from such an early age that they could not feel "equal". The defense had the Plessy v. Ferguson case of separate but equal that had yet to be overturned. The Court eventually ruled in favor of the Brawns, to desegregate schools, as many other cases were being brought up about the same time. Brown vs. Board, though, did not abolish slavery in other public areas, and did not require the desegregation by a specific time.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

LAD #36: Truman Doctrine


On March 12th, 1947, President Harry S. Truman, addressing a joint Congress, talked about his plans for the containment of communist. He told of the horrors committed in Greece and Turkey, and how they are fighting for freedom from the chains of Communism but, due to the War, are struggling to remain free from the Soviet Union's influence. He then asks Congress to aid both the countries by giving them $400,000,000 as "an investment in world freedom and world peace".

Saturday, March 12, 2016

LAD #35: FDR's Executive Order #9066

In his executive order #9066, FDR dictates that the Secretary of War has the power to choose specific areas and declare them as military areas. Non-military personnel are not allowed to enter that specific area. The Secretary of War, therefore, must also provide basic necessities such as food, water, shelter and transportation.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

LAD #34: FDR's Declaration of War

On December 8th, 1941, only one day after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, FDR asked Congress for a declaration of war. He references the "date that will live in infamy", and that the Japanese had hinted at no bad relations earlier. He also says that not even an hour before the attack, did the US receive a message from the Japanese Ambassador with absolutely no reference to the attack. He also says that the Japanese attacked the Wake Islands, Hong Kong, the Philippines, and Midway islands. He ends by saying that we must not only defend ourselves, but also make sure that another attack like this never happens again.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

LAD #33: FDR's First Inaugural Address

FDR became President during an extremely hard time in America, the Great Depression. On March 4th, 1933, he gave his 1st Inaugural Address telling the people that they would get out of the tough time, and that "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself". He talks about how he know the conditions of the people, the high taxes and struggles for employment. But, then he tries to make the speech happier, saying that the people are at least not fighting a war, or plagued by disease. He believes that success lies not with material wealth, but in the pride of working hard.  He ends by saying that he will use all his constitutionally given power to create a better life and take people out of the Depression. We must though, stick to our moral values and stay string in our national unity.

LAD #32: Kellogg Briand Peace Pact

The Kellogg Briand Peace Pact aka the Pact of Paris was signed on August 27th, 1928. It was signed between the US, France, Great Britain, Belgium, and Italy to name a few countries. It was signed by President Coolidge. It was a renunciation of war as an instrument of "national policy".

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

LAD #31: President Wilson's 14 Points

On January 8, 1918, President Wilson delivered his 14 Points speech to Congress. In it he calls for freedom of the seas, no secret treaties/agreements between countries, the countries that accept the treaty will be able to trade with other countries that accept the treaty. He also states that there should be an international reduction of weapons, on top of that, he called for Russia to determine its form of government and the evacuation of troops in Russia. Belgium will also get to choose its own government and be evacuated of troops. Alsace-Lorraine will be restored to France. Austria-Hungary will each get to choose their own governments. Poland will be created and they will choose their own government type as well. The last clause was the creation of the League of Nations to help with peacekeeping.